Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Take me out to the ball game...

I feel that things have finally settled down again. Big projects are done, tests have been taken, and I actually had a night off to watch the Rangers game with some friends.

The San Francisco pitcher looked so ... troubled. His facial expression right before he pitched - it was just too funny.

I actually did watch the play and not just the players. I think baseball is exciting because it's the one sport that I understand.
(I played the old SNES baseball game... and it helped me)

If only I had played a football game I would understand that!!! It has been explained to me countless times and I still don't get it. :(

Tomorrow is an easier day. One of my classes isn't meeting, so all I have to attend is one class! Yay!

I need to get to bed - now that I have less work I can get ample sleep! =)

(you know, as fabulous as Cliff Lee is, my favorite pitcher will always be Daniel Chruscielski!)

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