Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Today I slept a lot. Since I'm afraid that I'm getting a bit sick, I'm trying to recover through sleeping and drinking a lot of fluids. And of course, laughter and sunshine. =)

We had a surprise party for Kelsey today. It was really awesome, and she looked really happy!!! I guess surprise parties are a big thing here... haha

After that I went to see the Social Network with Tara and some other kids. =)

I never thought I'd find a movie about the making of Facebook entertaining, but it was actually really wonderful!

Me and my roomate are going to start working out together!!! That really cheers me. I miss having rigorous workouts. It seems that I'm way too tired to do Pilates or any of my own workouts lately, with all these projects and walking to class. I'm totally wiped! But excercise is important! I will adjust and apply myself more to everything!

That's all for now. Have a wonderful day!

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