We went on a "field trip" today in drawing =)
To the Union! It was fun.. I had to sketch the outside of the building, but I did get the opportunity to pop in and try one of the famous Einstein bros. bagels! Mmmm!
I embarrass myself so often.
I was sitting outside drawing and a bee flew up to me and I freaked out and pulled a "limbo" ducking-dodge. I turn around. Someone was watching me. I fix my hair and stay casual.
Sounds silly. But if you had seen me "freakout" and the crazy dodge move, you would have laughed at me.
I was listening to a poem and I realized, I listen more than I speak, I watch more than I do, I take in more than I put out.
I get more than I give. And that troubles me.
Freshman year is probably supposed to be a tad selfish though. Soaking up knowledge and experiences. Gaining the tools to do bigger things.
I guess I just want to see those things happen.
I want mountains to move - I don't know what I want to happen really, I just want to be used.
I could talk a long time about "my generation" and the revolution and my frustration with love turning into a fashion statement, but I think I'm more concerned about fighting darkness myself.
I'm not a burly or intimidating spiritual warrior right now. I know I'm still so immature and there is a lot in me that needs changing. But there's the will. I want to be someone God can use to light up the darkness.
I'm excited to keep learning and growing!!!
I think you are an excellent warrior