Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Color Pink

Paul once spoke of a "thorn in his flesh," and it plagued him constantly.
Some people think it was a physical disease, like bad eyesight. Some people say it was habitual sin.

I hate to return to it, (isn't it ironic, returning and talking about habitual sin again?) but this post is to praise God for the revelation that has come like a swift roundhouse kick to the Habitual-Sin Monster's face.

And I have to share my revelation with you!

(Thanks again to the older Christian brother and sister that helped me into the light on this matter.)

Let's talk about romance. This is for my sisters. This isn't about not feeling pretty, or silly dating advice, or "being confident"

It is a common temptation for Christians to fall into the "good works" trap. We feel that we can earn our way to heaven by doing good deeds (actually a lot of other religions advocate this as well)
But it is a myth! For as I keep having to learn, Jesus Christ is the only one who can reunite us with God and bring about holiness in our lives! All of our strivings are in vain without His aid.

So I realized that I have been with boys.
I thought it was all about being confident and flirty. And to some extent it was godly that I embraced my feminity.

But it's not about what we do, the clothes we wear, the jokes we make, how we flirt, how we play.
What attracts the worldly flesh will never attract the righteous man that the godly woman professes to desire.

We can be sexy gun-toting superwomen, like society encourages us, Amazon warrior women.
We can be fierce and sassy, clad in leather and our lips lined with snappy retorts.
But deep down inside every woman, God has put the desire to be rescued. Women are designed differently than men - but that's heresy in the Strong-Independent-Woman gospel.

I hated this thought of being a "damsel in distress," "helpless" and "pink."
I grew furious when I read verses that said women shouldn't speak in church or teach. (It had to be explained to me many times before I could swallow it.) I had a feminist streak in me.
I wanted to be a superwoman.

And as my view of myself was perverted, so was my relationship with men. I desired relationships where I was in control, I had something to offer, I was performing for him.
And then there were those where I was the mother/older sister figure, stronger and more mature.
But all of these relationships/crushes were ungodly.

As I chased God, professing Him as my First Love, laying my romantic affections down in favor of a God whose love is infinite, I now see those affections for what they are/were.

I want my future lover to be enchanted by the Fruit of the Spirit he sees in my heart, to be amazed not by anything of my own work, but to see me like the moon, that its light comes from the Son.

This excerpt from a poem by Bradley Hathaway was the catalyst for this entry.

I will fight for her, climb the highest tower for her, love her, share with her, delight in her, be her warrior, her protector. She will be my crown and I will be hers. My masculinity will be passed down and affirmed to my sons. And each of my daughters will know they are lovely, and deserving of authentic romance.
"I am a Manly Man"

So sisters... the God's Spirit and work within you makes you lovely =)

Hugs. ♥

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