Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today was total "powodzenie"!!! That means SUCCESS!!!!

I went to my art critique and WHAAAA everyone seemed to like it, even though I felt it was a little bit rushed because I was out sick last week and didn't have enough time to do it....

I GOT A 97 on my DRAWING PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy I could be dancing.

The news only gets better.

So I stopped by the garage sale at the BSM and I found all these cute clothes!!!
I got two pairs of shoes, one pair of boots and one pair of fancy black flats.
Total cost for shoes = $6
And the boots are nice winter boots! I like them!
I also got a dress, a nice plaid top, and an artsy purse for a total of $3!

But the best part is, all the money is donated to missions, so I can save money AND help send someone on missions!!! What a fabulous idea! =)))

The pastor at C3 wants me to help design stuff for the church! Obviously my school assignments will come first, but this could be something for my portfolio! If they turn out nice =)
But my current spiritual challenge is to be a better steward of time, since I have fallen behind due to sickness.

Another happy piece of news - my drawing class is giving us the weekend off, no homework for once!! =)
I TOLD you today was total powodzenie!!

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