Friday, October 8, 2010

Boogaloo, I've missed you

I can honestly say that I have missed writing essays. All of this art work and design stuff has really thrown me for a loop. But this essay assignment... it's like coming home.

The work part of it is tiring, and researching can be a strain, but I really love looking over my own output and seeing my progress. I guess I'm nerdy in that respect.

I feel silly. I shouldn't be complaining about the workload. I am grateful that I'm being challenged. It means God thinks I'm strong enough to handle it. And I take that as a compliment >:)

You know what's weird? I'm suddenly really missing my old Pokemon comic books.

It's so strange. But lately that's what I really feel like doing. Just to relax and read a Pokemon comic... if only

So am I still having a fabulou-tastic time here?

(This is Professor Oak, with a noodle on his face. I wish there were more opportunities for me to use that word....Correcta-mundo)

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