Friday, October 1, 2010


Naps are a beautiful thing.

This blog is called "community" because I just watched that tv show for the first time at Tyler's house. And we had cookies. It was wonderous.

Yep! Today was swell =) I took this photo on my way to class. It's the typical cheesy flower photograph, but I haven't been photo-ing lately, without a supernice camera. This is the closest I've gotten to photography. sad.

Crave was intense. I've been stuck in this habitual sin rut, and this past week, I've been letting all kinds of sin creep back into my life. And the stumbling led to guilt, and the guilt led to a kind of spiritual sickness. I had been trying to get out of that funk, and I think I'm starting to get back on track!

A word of comfort, my friends. Sin has no power over you. You may feel like you've messed up, but if you want to come back to God, He's waiting with open arms. There is nothing that can pluck you from His hand! I feel like once I've messed up that my whole spiritual walk is ruined... so, it helps me to remember that.

I can't wait for tomorrow to see how God will move in my life and the lives around me! Hugs and kisses.

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