Wednesday, October 13, 2010


You know what??? I'm THIS close to being in tip-top shape. I can just feel the strength coming back to me!!!

Okay. I have to confess something.

I have a drinking problem.

Cherry Capri-Sun has taken over my life. It's just so good.
Also, Dole Orange Peach Mango juice. I used to drink that a lot.

In other news, my ceilling is very bumpy. I used to have a bumpy ceilling, in my old house, when I was just a little kid.
I guess they call it "popcorn" and it used to be real popular.

I've decided that the future home that I own will have this..."popcorn ceilling." Also, it should have a koi pond.

You know, aside from sickness, and projects, and craziness, everything that matters is going just right. =)
Not that projects don't matter!!! They do! I haven't failed anything!! I work hard!

Today was a very quiet but very nice day. I had a lot of time to recover and study and it was just nice all around.
I couldn't go to classes because I'm not "24-hours fever free" but tomorrow I can =))))

Tomorrow is also crave! And I get to see my fabulous small group! it'll be a wonderful day. =)

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