Saturday, October 9, 2010

House Show

I spent all Friday and today working on my projects and essay, so I decided that it would be alright for me to go see a house show. "Across Waters" was the headliner.

The performers were all really good!

The thing about me and live music is... I have to dance. And I can't really dance. I'm very bad. So I kind of ... "flail" to the music.

But it was very high-octane, energetic music. Except for the last band, the headliner, they played instrumental music, kind of Explosions in the Sky sounding stuff. And it wasn't sleep-inducing but I usually only listen to instrumental stuff when I'm resting or closing my eyes, so I can soak up the narrative being told by the melodies. It sounds silly but really... that's the best way to appreciate it.

Tyler Collins is a songwriting CHAMPION. He has this one song that gives me chills every time I hear it. It's wonderful.

Anyway, back to work I guess. I probably will have to work on it on Sunday, but I can always try again for that Sabbath weekend another time! =)

fun night

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