Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dreams, Pt. 2

You could call this a hope for the future!

I want to go to Japan. I don't know how long I'll be there.
It could be a few weeks. It could be a summer. It could be a year.. or years.
I haven't figured that part out.

But this has been a hope of mine for a long time. It's not new.

There has been a change in my long-term hopes list.

The list looks like this.

-graduate from college, major in Advertising!
-before I get a "real job" go intern with The Simple Way
-take what I learn from The Simple Way and put it into practice in Japan!

In a perfect world...

I don't know whether this could be realized or not - but this is a far-fetched sort of plan for the future.
If it's God's will, then it will happen!

Time will tell!

What I learned today:

I am a very silly person. Alarmingly silly, actually!
I need to not only keep soaking up doctrine and truth being poured into me, but continue seek it out. There's so much I want to know!

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