Thursday, November 18, 2010


How I've missed Sukho Thai!! Had a most terrific lunch there today.

We had another field trip in Drawing. It wasn't super productive, but I did find a concept I really liked.

Me and Elise cooked eggplant today. The recipie called for weird things like mint and garlic and spices, so I was a little unsure of whether I would like it... but it was delicious! We also ate spinach quiche.

This evening, to help children that suffer from abuse, Nathan Miller and the Loverlies played another show! This time it was at the Hydrant, a Christian coffeeshop. I got to try out the ...kahona?? (however you spell it..) Anyway, it's a fabulous percussive instrument. I wish I were better with my hands - djimbe and hand-drums are so cool sounding.

I've been pretty disappointed with Season 2 of Glee. I just kept watching it hoping it would get better. And now, finally, an episode has come with a ray of hope. "The Substitute" was the first really great episode of season 2. The Umbrella/Singin' in the Rain mashup was fantastic!!!

Mr. Schuester is such a theatrical man. I might be inspired enough to do something crazy. Like jumping around, singing showtunes to strangers...

Oh, in celebration of the Harry Potter premiere tonight...

I've been doing the whole Hermione look these days, I think...

Oh, and while I'm thinking about lookalikes, does this girl remind you of anyone?

Her name is Sofia Coppola!

Take care, friends =)

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