Thursday, November 11, 2010


Lately it's become very evident that I'm meant to be exactly and precisely here. I find myself overwhelmed with the desire to worship. By the wonder of it all.

It's the happiest wonderment I've ever known. God, why do You love me so much? Why are You giving me all these things I don't deserve? Why when I ask for breadcrust, You set before me a feast?

I feel strongly that I'm just MEANT to be here. Specific needs, weak points that needed to be challenged and refined... God's meeting me at every angle. Moving and working in every breath.

I stumble and I'm not always a great 'shining light' in places of darkness.... but I desire to be strong enough to shine and transform hateful things into beautiful things, to turn rebellion into reconciliation.
And that, of course, is what I hope for most of all..
That the people I meet are brought closer to Jesus through my living.

I love you my precious brothers and sisters. So much.

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