Saturday, November 13, 2010

Darcy, North of Autumn, and Seryn show!

The legendary Denton bands are as good as the stories say.

Darcy, North of Autumn, and Seryn are musical champions! It was a really fun concert.
Seryn was AMAZING. Crazy good stuff. They transitioned really well from song to song. And their drummer was fantastic - he kept moving from instrument to instrument.
I might overuse the word crazy in my description, but that's the word that keeps coming to mind. Crazy beats.
They harmonized really well, it reminded me of Fleet Foxes, or Frontier Ruckus.
North of Autumn sounded a bit like Kings of Leon or Gavin Degraw. I didn't really like their style so much, but they played well, and their first song was fantastic! The rest were good too. But not my cup of java..
Gosh! I don't even like java, haha.
I may be a little biased, because I know two of the people in Darcy, but their music sounds the most like what I would listen to. Their style is so, for lack of a better word, cute... it made me think of Owl City (they used a xylophone)

I love that kind of thing!

There's another concert tonight, gosh I love live music!

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