Saturday, November 27, 2010


I really enjoy baking. Cooking, not so much.
I'm not very good at either, honestly - I'm kind of a terror in the kitchen...

But me and my sister made some pretty delicious corn casserole for Thanksgiving! (We "forgot" to add cheese. but neither of us are big fans of cheese... it's a twin thing)

And today I made some brownies! I just can't help myself. Baking is just so, so fun, especially the eating of the dough/batter/unfinished baked good.
Granted, it was a Ghiradelli brownie mix, but still! I had to put it together! haha

I'm writing a paper on Martin Luther and his 95 Theses. It's easy for me to write about - and it gets me thinking about corruption and materialism in the modern-day Church.

I'm sure Shane Claiborne has a lot to say about it.

Anyway - I hope all of you are having a fantabulous and lovely holiday.

with love, Rachel

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