Saturday, November 6, 2010

Boba Fett Tea

I feel totally renewed and refreshed.
Everything is beautiful.

The stress has just been ironed out of the fabric of my mind.
Like it was a puddle and someone dropped a Shamwow on it, and sucked all that stress away.

I am learning patience and self-control.

Today was just lovely though. Everything went so well.
Obviously, life isn't all smiles, we live in a fallen world, but sometimes I get so caught up in these unbelievably happy circumstances that I have moments of thinking that life "couldn't be better."

I'm grateful. I'm so blessed.

I hope that my scary goals in the future turn out ok in the end. I am trying to keep my eyes on what I can do today, and not worry about the future that I have no control over.

Went and had my first "boba tea" ..
No, not like Boba Fett!

Boba tea is like tea with milk and little balls in it called bobas, in America we sometimes call it "bubble tea" it's the best!!
My new favorite drink!

A diagram of the tea:

and the boba itself!


It's a list of kind things to do for others! Really nice ideas!

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