Sunday, September 12, 2010

Visit #2 and the surprise audience

I went to the Christ Community Church again =) I thought I would "shop around" but I think I like this church too much.... haha
We went to this Thai place after church. It was very inexpensive but delicious! The people at C3 are all so sweet and it was good to have fellowship with them. =)

I sing so much these days. On the street, with friends in the car, in the practice room... I think I need to take a "vocal rest" break.
But I sing so much because I have so much happiness inside! =D

I feel really embarassed because I didn't realize that when I was playing in the practice room, people could hear me. I was playing some original songs and some Justin Bieber too, both things I probably wouldn't choose to perform.

But when I walked out everyone started complimenting me! D= It was nice to hear them say those nice things, but it was very mortifying! My original songs are very special and secret, like diary entries! Ohhhhhhhh dearrr

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