Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It's funny how the the weather has been treating me kindly. The day after I buy rainboots, there's torrential rain. The day I come back bringing all my fall and winter wardrobe, it's chilly and I can finally bust out the sweatervests and argyle socks!

I've been looking forward to hot chocolate and scarves.

But there's other changes going on too. Like my taste in music. It seems like there isn't much I don't enjoy listening to these days.

I have a big project due tomorrow. And another one due Thursday. After that I think I'll be able to sleep soundly, but right now I'm cranky afljeiorusflsjefskkk@#$@$!!!
I used to think naps were pretty wonderful back in high school. Now they're like special rewards to myself.

Another change is my relationship with my alarm clock. We used to respect each other, but lately I haven't really been treating him right. Things are just a little tense between us right now...

It seems like I don't have time for anything. I know, welcome to college. But for realz. It's tough.

I was reading through Luke 12 and it filled me with joy because it's part of the inspiration for Jon Foreman's "Your Love is Strong"
But it's also very reassuring. How much more valuable are we to God than sparrows or ravens? He will take care of us.

Change is a scary thing, but it's good to know some things never will. =)

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