Friday, September 24, 2010


I still am trying to take in all the events of today. It was easily the best day I've had all year. It was wonderful through and through.

This picture of a man being carried away by balloons represents me just soaring with joy. =)))))))

You know what?? People are just wonderful. Especially the people here. There is so much kindness and love and ahhh it just makes me cry with happiness! (I seriously did have tears of joy earlier today)

Maggie got me some baked goodies from Ravelin Bakery (AHHHH and she remembered that I LOVE chocolate croissants! sweet girl)

I had really been wanting to go to Beth Marie's ever since I got to Denton, and I finally got to go!!! So that really completed the day for me. I was satisfied.

Then I got to go to an honors picnic and that was pretty fun. I got sung to =)

I received an unexpected cake when I got back to honors! So I decided to take it to the BSM! Because I wanted the wonderful people there to enjoy it! And I had already celebrated, in my mind.

But the best part of the day was yet to come. The BSM pulled off this really great surprise party and I honestly have never felt so special and it was the best birthday... ever. Just because I didn't expect so many people to share my birthday with me because it's my freshman fall year and I'm still making friends. It was just so special. That's really the only word in my head right now.

I really don't think I deserved such a wonderful surprise. God has given me such a precious gift, having them in my life, and I am overwhelmed by their kindness.

I just don't know what to say.

Thank you...

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