Thursday, September 2, 2010


I'm just peachy. Not in a sarcastic, villain from 'Hercules' way - the "I'm doing fine" way =)
But....The internet is being finicky... >:(

Today was another fabulous one! And I'm not just saying that.

I AM NOW OFFICIALLY A DISCIPLE! As in I'm being discipled. By none other than the amazing Maggie! I'm not sure what that makes her, "Rabbi" sounds like an old Jewish man. But it will be really cool because I already considered her my personal role model! God is providing. God is moving! God is working!

I found out my Drawing class homework wasn't as demanding as I thought. I will still need to work vigorously on it this weekend however.

In honors argument class, one girl mentioned something about craving a peach, and I turned around and whipped out my fake peach for my still life. It was really pretty awesome. Especially her reaction.
I don't know, I wish my life had more cool moments like that.

This is the cool flower I found at the 99 cent store.

It's bizarre. I love it.

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