Friday, September 17, 2010

Clay and Watermelons

I heard a long time ago that children are like soft wet clay, and that as we grow older we harden and gradually become less willing to change.
I was a kid then, but it made me really afraid of changing and my heart becoming hard. One great fear I had was of becoming a "rebellious teenager."

I'm not so much afraid of growth and change anymore. I do still have a fear of growing calloused. And the pressure to shape myself now while I'm still impressionable is still there.

But I realized today that I was mistaken about college. I thought I was done being molded and that college was for "sculpting" or chipping away at what you'd brought to the table.
I'm still a kid. Even legally, I'm still just 17.
And you know what? I think that's true for everyone... I don't think you're ever too old to change. Because God is always molding and shaping us; if He was finished then He'd take us up to Heaven in a chariot of fire.

Now for watermelons.

This is a really wonderful piece by Jon Foreman! It's definitely worth reading.
"The Economy of the Garden"

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