Wednesday, September 8, 2010


It was very lucky that I got those rainboots. Denton recieved generous amounts of rain Tuesday and today was a great big storm! There must have been a foot of water in some places!
I felt very safe wading through the rain in my boots. =)

But there was so much rain and mist that my iPod started messing up! And that worried me. But I've been enjoying the rain a little too much I think...

My design homework is really frustrating me. I try not to be intimidated by the people around me, but their designs are really great, and mine.... ohhhh
My drawing homework is turning out better though!

The shine is starting to wear off UNT. Not that I don't like it now!
It's that my blind and total appreciation for it is turning into a genuine and realistic view... and I still love it, I'm just ... settling into things?

Each night before I go to sleep, I feel excited, because I can't wait to see how wonderful the next day will be! And I'm never disappointed! =)

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