Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Good news for bad moods. also, yogurt.

Today was fun. I was kind of in a bad mood because I stayed up late working on design, but you know what? I can't really be too unhappy smack in the middle of my favorite school in the world. Life is good. that bad mood didn't stand a chance. >:)

I have been studying pretty intensely lately and doing a lot of homework, so I decided to take a break tonight and me and some other cool people got some tasty frozen yogurt at this fantastic yogurt shop.

Gosh I love yogurt. It's a mutual friend of the tongue and the waistline.
The same goes for applesauce.

I got a good grade on my drawing assignment. =)

Annnnd I got a good grade on my design quiz!

Now one last big project and then it's the weekend....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It's funny how the the weather has been treating me kindly. The day after I buy rainboots, there's torrential rain. The day I come back bringing all my fall and winter wardrobe, it's chilly and I can finally bust out the sweatervests and argyle socks!

I've been looking forward to hot chocolate and scarves.

But there's other changes going on too. Like my taste in music. It seems like there isn't much I don't enjoy listening to these days.

I have a big project due tomorrow. And another one due Thursday. After that I think I'll be able to sleep soundly, but right now I'm cranky afljeiorusflsjefskkk@#$@$!!!
I used to think naps were pretty wonderful back in high school. Now they're like special rewards to myself.

Another change is my relationship with my alarm clock. We used to respect each other, but lately I haven't really been treating him right. Things are just a little tense between us right now...

It seems like I don't have time for anything. I know, welcome to college. But for realz. It's tough.

I was reading through Luke 12 and it filled me with joy because it's part of the inspiration for Jon Foreman's "Your Love is Strong"
But it's also very reassuring. How much more valuable are we to God than sparrows or ravens? He will take care of us.

Change is a scary thing, but it's good to know some things never will. =)

Darkness and fear

There was a shooting at UT today. I don't know if anyone was actually hurt, or if/when the attackers were apprehended, but it breaks my heart all the same.

What kind of state would someone's soul be in if that person truly believed the best course of action would be to hurt/kill other people? They must have seen a lot of pain - they must be so confused.

I feel like I'm surrounded by God's love shining through other people and nourishing my heart. Everyone around me is so kind..
I do my best to walk in the light, but also to show others the love I don't deserve, but have been blessed to recieve.

I firmly and strongly believe that showing others God's love that pushes away darkness inside people. Love heals.

If you would pray for UT, pray against the darkness and fear that may have been caused as a result of this frightening event, as well as UT's safety.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Candles in the grass

Communion was different tonight.

Firstly, I biked to Communion. I almost didn't get lost. I actually got confused multiple times. I biked to the hospital and realized it was too far, I biked down the wrong road and had to get directions.
But then.... my lack of directional skills is nothing new

Secondly, we had communion in a field. We put candles in the grass. They were protected in little cups, no need to fret. And then we worshipped and sang and prayed out in the field under the stars. I've never done anything like it.

Something about singing "you placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name" while looking up right into the big dipper is special.

I realized something though. It's harder for me to follow God the way I do here back home. I just slip back into the same ruts and stumble over the same things - even after I prayed for strength to fight against them!

But I'm getting stronger all the time. There is still so much I don't understand, and sometimes it overwhelms me, but in the best of ways. The world doesn't have any power over me, the only thing I want to overwhelm me is the glory of God.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Back home

There's not so much to say. Home is home. I'm amazed all the time at how grown-up Daniel is getting. He says the darndest things.

I'm also amazed at how different Jessie and I am - her high school experience seems to be going completely differently. She got nominated for homecoming court!
It's funny. Jessie has to help me with my wardrobe. I think that I would dress rather absurdly if Jessie wasn't there to point and laugh at me before I walked out the door.

I got a webcam for my birthday!!! Real exciting!

Oh, I had a real blast with some of my friends from back home. I still look forward to getting back to Denton though =)

Friday, September 24, 2010


I still am trying to take in all the events of today. It was easily the best day I've had all year. It was wonderful through and through.

This picture of a man being carried away by balloons represents me just soaring with joy. =)))))))

You know what?? People are just wonderful. Especially the people here. There is so much kindness and love and ahhh it just makes me cry with happiness! (I seriously did have tears of joy earlier today)

Maggie got me some baked goodies from Ravelin Bakery (AHHHH and she remembered that I LOVE chocolate croissants! sweet girl)

I had really been wanting to go to Beth Marie's ever since I got to Denton, and I finally got to go!!! So that really completed the day for me. I was satisfied.

Then I got to go to an honors picnic and that was pretty fun. I got sung to =)

I received an unexpected cake when I got back to honors! So I decided to take it to the BSM! Because I wanted the wonderful people there to enjoy it! And I had already celebrated, in my mind.

But the best part of the day was yet to come. The BSM pulled off this really great surprise party and I honestly have never felt so special and it was the best birthday... ever. Just because I didn't expect so many people to share my birthday with me because it's my freshman fall year and I'm still making friends. It was just so special. That's really the only word in my head right now.

I really don't think I deserved such a wonderful surprise. God has given me such a precious gift, having them in my life, and I am overwhelmed by their kindness.

I just don't know what to say.

Thank you...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Goodie Bags =)

Today we passed out paper bags of snacks and candy to people to tell them about FLOW - Free Lunch on Wednesdays. =) It was really nice... I miss goodie bags!

There is a special joy in giving a stranger a gift.

I had this idea after Maggie talked with me about putting on the armor of God and the "Phillipians Filter."

I wrote the elements of them on my door, so that before I left my dorm room each day, I wouldn't forget to prepare myself spiritually!

Just as a memo to myself. Then I thought, to help me learn these things, I should add them to the door!

Seeing them so often should help engrave this doctrine on my heart!

Monday, September 20, 2010

"revolutionized by love"

Tonight me and some other BSM kids gathered at Lindsey's house to prepare for a thing called "Cardboard Testimonies."
If you've been to super summer, or a Christian youth camp, you've probably heard about them. In case you haven't, the basic idea is that you write on one side a statement reflecting your life before Christ and the other side reflects how your life has changed.

It was kind of hard for me to decide what to put on the first side. Many of the statements coming to mind were "sad" and "angry" but most of all "lost"
The sad part is, I had the theology in my heart, but I was distant from God. There was no firm relationship.
After Christ really became a part of my life, everything changed! And things are changing now, I feel like it's a whole new stage of my Christian life.

But it was hard to share the junk that was in my life before... because I was worried about how I would be seen afterwards. I guess that's a pretty silly thing. But I guess, as much of my heart as I wear on my sleeve...
So I ended up putting "self-destructive" because that covered it all, how I tore myself down inside.

On the other side, I wrote that my life was "revolutionized by love"
And I use and think about that word so much. I try and keep it a priority in my life. As a verb, I mean. Helping and caring for people.

I think that was my 180 degree turn. From tearing myself down to building other people up. That was what I originally wanted to put. "building up His family/Kingdom" something like that.

I've rediscovered Rich Mullins...again. I keep re-finding him and falling in love with his music over and over. Shuffle is a wonderful thing.

The people at the BSM are so filled with love and compassion. I am so blessed to have fellowship with them.

Design Critique

Well I had my first real design critique. My designs weren't super but I worked hard on them, and I got one to look how I wanted it to. The other one.... ended up a little different, but it was ok.
I was happy with both. Not thrilled.

I was a little overwhelmed when I walked in because all the other pieces were so good. So I felt a bit scared presenting mine.

But HOORAY! Everyone said nice things. There's this one guy Tyler who seems to know everything there is about art theory and gestalt, and he said something favorable. So that really made my day. I wish I could perform at everyone else's level, because they had more complicated designs with stronger visuals but I'm just getting started. I will catch up >:)

For someone with no "design" experience I suppose it could have gone worse.

I scheduled an appointment with the career counselor today. I didn't get to talk to her, but I AM being proactive about the whole thing.

I also picked up a ticket for the honors picnic on thursday. And got the email fixed, so hopefully I won't be relying on honors kid gossip to know about events like this....

On the weekend eating healthier is harder. Not only do I find myself off campus a lot, but even when I'm on campus, Maple is closed, and that really saddens me. Maple is so cozy and small and wonderful, and Kerr is... ok, but intimidating. I have no idea why. Longer walk? More people? Who knows.

Boy if I ever find the time/energy I will definitely hit the REC center. But between projects, bsm stuff, and everything, I find that I'm expending a lot of time and energy, not a lot left over.
BUT! I am getting so much out of it. Every day I feel like I've learned a month's worth of lessons. I try to suck the juice out of every moment.

I saw a sign inviting people to a "milk and cookies" party, and the header read "LAST CHANCE CHILDHOOD" on it. It made me sad because I only have a few days left until I turn eighteen.........

Sunday, September 19, 2010

O Brother Where Art Thou?

This morning C3 had a baptism service. It wasn't your typical service, but then again, nothing about C3 is ordinary! (I mean that in the best of ways) =)

We went in the middle of the square and they had a horse watering trough set up, and they did a really public profession of their faith. I love that. It was really awesome to hear their stories and get dunked right out in the open for passerby to see!

Hearing about their changed lives, it made me think about my own spiritual life. I've been sharing my story, but I started thinking about my baptism and my entire walk.

I am grateful that when I was baptized I understood the reasoning and that I grasped the concept of grace and forgiveness and that I was a new creation.
I am also grateful that I've been raised in a Christian home and was saved VERY early on.

But when I hear stories of the people who were living totally lost and then come back completely on fire for Christ, they really ACT like a new creation.

I've said this so much but I finally feel like I have a spiritual heartbeat, a hunger and thirst for the word, a real relationship, more than just being spoon-fed. So I finally feel like a new creation, and I feel like I'm living more radically, like how I would if I had taken a 180 turn.
Obviously there's more I could do. I'm still learning how to turn my life over. But I'm so excited to grow.
I'm sorry if this is repetitive. But I want the world to know, and especially my family, because this is burning at the core of my heart.


I got a message from my dad - and got to hear a "recap" of my little brother's baseball game. He made a really great catch! I'm very proud of him and I wish I could have been there to see it.

I wish I could be more like Daniel. He's the best little brother anyone could ask for. Whenever anyone is hurting, he is there to offer a comforting pat on the back or a hug. When he says words of encouragement, whatever he says, it's always just what they needed to hear.

We sang a song at the baptism, the one from O Brother Where art Thou? "Oh, brothers, let's go down, let's go down.."
I think we should all try to be more like Daniel - spiritual brothers, always building each other up.

Miss you Dan-Dan!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mission: Denton

Ok, so I didn't go to the overnight part of Mission Denton because I really wanted to focus on my design project, which I'm taking a break from (I've come a long way so it's deserved)
I DID however put in a few service hours this morning, which was good.

This morning I went with Krystal and Carli to do facepainting at Fouts Stadium =)
I've never facepainted before but it was very fun to see the kids' faces when I got done - both in expression and completion!
(Maybe I should've taken pictures of them for my portfolio! Haha.)
[Note: I took pictures with a young couple that were very enthusiastic and those can be found on facebook in my photos under "UNT happenings"]

I also helped Krystal, Carli, and Whitney and some other girls pick up trash from along the shoreline of the lake. It was super gross but a wonderful exercise in humility and obedience. =)

I felt like a kid again today for a number of reasons.
1) I was very excited when the balloon guy let me hold the giant bouquet of balloons... maybe that made me happier than it should, but I did feel young again, especially when he let me pick out two colors of balloons to take home!
2) I got to play on the playground at Eureka Park! It was fun and I got to swing and someone pushed me on the tire swing and spun me around!!! =))))

Please pray for me as I continue to pursue knowledge, understanding, and growth in Spirit!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Clay and Watermelons

I heard a long time ago that children are like soft wet clay, and that as we grow older we harden and gradually become less willing to change.
I was a kid then, but it made me really afraid of changing and my heart becoming hard. One great fear I had was of becoming a "rebellious teenager."

I'm not so much afraid of growth and change anymore. I do still have a fear of growing calloused. And the pressure to shape myself now while I'm still impressionable is still there.

But I realized today that I was mistaken about college. I thought I was done being molded and that college was for "sculpting" or chipping away at what you'd brought to the table.
I'm still a kid. Even legally, I'm still just 17.
And you know what? I think that's true for everyone... I don't think you're ever too old to change. Because God is always molding and shaping us; if He was finished then He'd take us up to Heaven in a chariot of fire.

Now for watermelons.

This is a really wonderful piece by Jon Foreman! It's definitely worth reading.
"The Economy of the Garden"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Critique / Empty Cup

We had a critique in Drawing I today! It was fun until I had to get my whole project together and turn it in. I'm a bit clumsy with big sheets of paper.
But the comments on my pieces were favorable! That brought a big smile to my face!

And you know what? Even the criticism was nice to hear! For some reason I don't mind if people don't like my artwork. When they do, that's nice, but either way it's just fun to see what people think.

I'm trying to memorize the Beatitudes, and I'm trying to go through them and focus on and apply them to my life one at a time. The first is "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." I wasn't exactly sure what that meant.

So I looked it up and it's referring to humility. The explanation actually included the phrase "empty cup" which is what I've been trying to think of myself as since day 1.
I've learned that sometimes being humble isn't simply not bragging or being obnoxious. Pride exists in different ways. Vanity, obsessing too much over how I look. And while reputation is a good thing to keep clean, and certainly you need to protect your witness, we shouldn't be afraid to be seen with certain people, because "everyone needs compassion, a love that's never failing." =)

Today I failed in this area, and ironically it's the one that I've been studying and prayed for about it. I try to justify it, "I'm a freshman, and I don't want people to think badly of me" but really, it's a pride thing. I did feel pretty awful because I went against the Holy Spirit pressing me to move, and I didn't. So I'm praying for God to soften my heart and forgive me.
(Too much self-disclosure, but I felt I had to add that, I can't share this doctrine without feeling hypocritical.)

But aside from that things are going really well. My small group is doing an outreach project with goodie bags. It's groovy =)

Show love to everyone you meet!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Celebrate Good Times

It's been too long since I really wrote about how much fun I'm having. Sure it's stressful with all the projects but it's balanced out with all the life and love and fountains of energy just bursting from every experience.

Today I was reconciled with that Hallelujah song. I played it for Maggie and Megan and they sang harmony to it and we all sang and it was so nice :) I've never had someone sing a harmony to one of my songs before...

I remember thinking at one point that I knew faith and I grasped Christianity, that was years ago. I came here with the understanding that I didn't understand.
But it's still kind of crazy to see just how much I have to learn. It's strange for me to see that I have far to go and not be discouraged but rather excited!

Having wonderful Christian fellowship is such a blessing, and I can't stress enough how happy I am to meet girls that are so passionate about the Lord and learn from them.

But as much as I want to celebrate these good times, I can't put it better than Phil Collins in the lyrics to his song. "On My Way" seems to fit my life perfectly right now. Give it a listen or just read =)


Tell everybody i'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
With blue skies ahead, yes i'm on my way

And theres no where else i'd rather be

Tell everybody i'm on my way
And i'm loving every step i take
With the sun beating down, yes i'm on my way
And i can't keep this smile off my face

Cause theres nothing like, seeing each other again
No matter what the distance between
And the stories we tell, will make you smile
Or really lifts my heart

So tell'em i'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
And to sleep under the stars and could ask for more
With the moon keeping watch over me

Not the snow nor the rain, can change my mind
The sun will come out, wait and see
And the feeling of the wind
In your face can lift your heart

Oh... theres no where i'd rather be
Cause i'm on my way now
Well and true
I'm my way there
I'm on my way now(x3)

Tell everybody i'm on my way
I just can't wait to be there
With blue skies ahead, yes I'm on my way
And nothing but good times to share

So tell everybody I'm on my way
And I just can't wait to be home
With the sun beating down yes I'm on my way
And nothing but good times to show

I'm on my way
Yes, I'm on my way

Monday, September 13, 2010


So I went to communion with Maggie and friends and it was crazy. The Spirit is just so evidently present there.

People were dancing, praying, worshipping, and loving each other.

It wasn't just C3 church people - people from different denominations were coming and putting aside their doctrinal disagreements and choosing to focus on loving Jesus together.

We took the bread and wine and prayed over people who were in need of prayer.

I didn't hear it this time, but they were talking about how the last time they met that people had been speaking in tongues.

I realize this is controversial and that some people think it's 1. not a real gift or 2. it doesn't happen anymore... but it happened, and I was just in awe of how these people just let the Holy Spirit use them.

I'm just so blessed to be surrounded by people who are so mature in faith and spirit. I am so glad I'm here at UNT..
God is giving me people to pour into me, and people that I can pour into. Building up His Kingdom.

Praise God!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Visit #2 and the surprise audience

I went to the Christ Community Church again =) I thought I would "shop around" but I think I like this church too much.... haha
We went to this Thai place after church. It was very inexpensive but delicious! The people at C3 are all so sweet and it was good to have fellowship with them. =)

I sing so much these days. On the street, with friends in the car, in the practice room... I think I need to take a "vocal rest" break.
But I sing so much because I have so much happiness inside! =D

I feel really embarassed because I didn't realize that when I was playing in the practice room, people could hear me. I was playing some original songs and some Justin Bieber too, both things I probably wouldn't choose to perform.

But when I walked out everyone started complimenting me! D= It was nice to hear them say those nice things, but it was very mortifying! My original songs are very special and secret, like diary entries! Ohhhhhhhh dearrr

Saturday Nights are Eventful

So I went to my first UNT football game.

It was soooo much fun. I really don't like football. At all. But wherever you are, if it's with wonderful people, happiness will surround you. =)

Then we went to Chili's. The "afterparty" haha

Then we went to Tyler's (and Dave and Justin's) house and played a lot of songs!

I just LOVE making music with other people! funnest thing I've done all week =)

Gosh I love college!!! but you knew that!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Black Coffee

I never thought I'd say this, but I've developed quite a fondness for jazz. I never thought I'd enjoy Miles Davis or Coltrane but here I am.

Don't get me started about Ella Fitzgerald. I can't stop listening to her. She's fantastic.

The thing I've discovered is jazz helps put me in a creative and funky mood, helps the juices flow.

So if you weren't afraid of the world ending in 2012, you might want to reconsider, because when Rachel starts LOVING jazz music, fire and brimstone aren't far behind.


I've had turkey, chicken, pig (ham/bacon), steak, shrimp, crab, squid, .... even octopus. That octopus was nasty. Anyway, I've never had buffalo.
And guess what? I probably never will.

I went to Buffalo Wild Wings tonight - pretty cool although we got back kinda late hence this post at..... 1AM. Thank goodness I have no friday classes.

I found out that the portfolio review for Comm isn't nearly as demanding as I thought, quantity of work-wise... The quality of work is what concerns me.

I think I'm going to go to the football game on Saturday. I really don't care for football, but I've had some pretty fun times at the games back in Aledo. And I have to go to at least one game!!! (Actually this morning I had breakfast with a guy who had never gone to a game and he was a senior.... so)

My art classes have a very high-pressure atmosphere. trying to think creatively in them is like trying to breathe in outer space. (Don't gripe to me about space and pressure. Physics isn't my strong suit)

Today should be pretty fun. I think I need to sleep for a while though...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


It was very lucky that I got those rainboots. Denton recieved generous amounts of rain Tuesday and today was a great big storm! There must have been a foot of water in some places!
I felt very safe wading through the rain in my boots. =)

But there was so much rain and mist that my iPod started messing up! And that worried me. But I've been enjoying the rain a little too much I think...

My design homework is really frustrating me. I try not to be intimidated by the people around me, but their designs are really great, and mine.... ohhhh
My drawing homework is turning out better though!

The shine is starting to wear off UNT. Not that I don't like it now!
It's that my blind and total appreciation for it is turning into a genuine and realistic view... and I still love it, I'm just ... settling into things?

Each night before I go to sleep, I feel excited, because I can't wait to see how wonderful the next day will be! And I'm never disappointed! =)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mister Grey Comes Back to Play

There's a special joy in walking in the rain...
I LOVE rainy days

I've been drawing in my sketchbook with colored pencils lately - I bought some at target.
Don't worry, I asked my teacher and it's all good!

The thing is I can use colors to portray my images in a new way! And my imagined form drawings get way more interesting!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hey-la-lo-ah, Denton

it was so good to come back home and see everyone. My heart had really been aching to see their faces!
But I sure am happy to be back here again. I can't wait to get started with my work.

I will be staying for another two weeks, and then back home for my birthday. =)

I feel oodles more confident with this reminder that I have people cheering me on to do well here.

Good times never seemed so good =)

Oh!!! This is Yandi Tenorio's web portfolio! She's a member of the BSM with fantastic talent! Here:

She's fabulous! I hope I can be that fabulous someday!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Homecoming

Well, after two crazy weeks of adventure and craziness, I have returned home. What excites me though is that it isn't the end! It's just the beginning! And I have so much to learn.

I guess I'm used to coming home. So the journey was familiar, the feeling of revisiting my old things. After spending three weeks in Maine, I was kind of broken-in to the feeling of independence.
But coming home, it feels very similar. Except this time, I feel vastly different. I feel like I've grown so much these two weeks. And everything here is changed because I'm looking through a different lens.

I can't wait to see everyone - there's just so much to tell.

Friday, September 3, 2010

That one movie about that one guy

I am in love with Michael Cera!!!
Not really, but yeah.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World was fantastic.

Today was a good day. I got to sleep in and I got my gesture drawings done and this weekend I'll work on my design thumbnails >:) yeah!

Chats with Veterans

They call people who dropped Communication Design "ex-coms" and "ex-commies."
So far, I have only met a few people who are still in the program - most of the Comm Design people I've talked to have been the "ex-coms" with words of warning, "you'll never make it!!!"

Last night I met an ex-com who gave me a lot of encouraging advice. He told me not to listen to the people who were trying to scare us off - it was just to weed out the sickly kinda thing.

I went to this Christian dinner thing that apparently goes on every thursday at 5:30. Pretty cool to meet Christians from other organizations and denominations.
Then I went to worship with the BSM. You don't realize how refreshing and less-stress it is to worship without thinking about just the musical elements until you step back into the congregation.
The BSM had a small group thing for the art majors, and I got to have fellowship with other Commies, and some studio art majors and RTFVs, so that was pretty nice.

After that there was a pancake dinner. It was an unplugged open mic night kind of thing. I met the amazing watercolorist Yandi Tenorio, which was awesome because I've only seen her awesome artwork, so it felt like meeting a celebrity.
She said that we could do "art nights" and watercolor together. Sounds awesome to me!
She sang that song "Bed Intruder" at the open mic. Funny =)

I also got to meet a CURRENT Comm Design major who was in her senior year. She was ABSOLUTELY fabulously talented. I was totally blown away.

I know that Comm Design is what I WANT to do, but is it something that I CAN do? I don't know if I have what it takes, but I'm willing to work to get to that point.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I'm just peachy. Not in a sarcastic, villain from 'Hercules' way - the "I'm doing fine" way =)
But....The internet is being finicky... >:(

Today was another fabulous one! And I'm not just saying that.

I AM NOW OFFICIALLY A DISCIPLE! As in I'm being discipled. By none other than the amazing Maggie! I'm not sure what that makes her, "Rabbi" sounds like an old Jewish man. But it will be really cool because I already considered her my personal role model! God is providing. God is moving! God is working!

I found out my Drawing class homework wasn't as demanding as I thought. I will still need to work vigorously on it this weekend however.

In honors argument class, one girl mentioned something about craving a peach, and I turned around and whipped out my fake peach for my still life. It was really pretty awesome. Especially her reaction.
I don't know, I wish my life had more cool moments like that.

This is the cool flower I found at the 99 cent store.

It's bizarre. I love it.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Lego Brick

We youths spend many years trying to figure out where we fit. Are we doctors, professors, artists, hippies, politicians?
Those years could be high school years, for some it's college.

But finding out where you fit comes from knowing yourself well. If you don't know your edges (your limits), how will you know where to put yourself in this world-puzzle?
I like to think that I have artistic and creative strengths.

Turns out Communication Design isn't the final branch in the tree of the art world. There's two more branches from it - Graphic Design and Art Direction.

Graphic Design is grueling projects and designing logos and ... well, I don't really know that much about it, but it's tough, I hear.
Art Direction, that really appealed to me. I like what I've heard so far.
Not that I wouldn't love Graphic Design. I mean, that's what I thought I was going to do for a while. But hearing about Art Direction - it sounds like my dream job!

Of course... what do I know? Right now my idea about the future is... misty.
I know I will be content as long as I can make other people happy. That's what brings me more joy than anything else, and it's something I practice more than any instrument or art form.
And you know what? I really believe God has called me to exhortation. Not that I'm doing a 180 and changing my major to social work, but I think that it's a spiritual gift that I should use in whatever environment I get placed in.

I actually ended up auditioning for the show choir because I was on my way somewhere else and then I went into the Union to get out of the rain and boom, there were the Glee auditions. I may not do glee, even if I get in, because of my demanding Comm Design schedule. I sang All of Me, but the actual audition wasn't so important.

I could really relate to all the nervous girls in the room. One girl came out looking a little discouraged, and I asked her how she did, and she told me she that it was "terrible", that she was "off pitch"
I said (wish I could remember my exact words) 'Never say that about your singing. If you sing from your heart, and you're conveying an emotion, it's always good' And I hugged her, because sometimes that's just what someone could be needing. I really believe that.
Technical skills aside, singing is at its basic level intended for expressing emotion, and it's the most pure/organic musical form.

The glee team leaders were impressed by my attitude and I went up and it was solid. But I realized that the most passionate thing I had done that night was encourage the girls who had just performed.

Today was FLOW (free lunch on wednesdays)

It also thunderstormed today.

Comm design is even more demanding than I've heard previously. That's why I'm writing this lego brick entry - because if I'm going to do this, I'm going to have to give it everything I've got.

So what do you think? Am I an Art Director? Or a motivator? Or something else?

Oh, and I'm incredibly busy, so my posts will probably be less frequent
I do come home this weekend! Looking forward to seeing my lovely family again.