Sunday, March 20, 2011

Up and Up

After a long break, I guess it's time to let you guys know... what is up.

I guess I don't like to write about failures, even though I want to be transparent about everything. Like I've said... I don't have much to hide.
But lately I have been disobedient. And the darkness hates the light. So once you fall into a sin-rut, it's hard to get back up on the horse.

The tough times just make the sweet times better. .......obviously, that's not all they're good for. If you want to know all about how great your trials and miseries are, just read through James.

I'm in a peculiar mood.
But I've learned so much, and I can't wait to run out, stretch out my arms and let life lift me up into the sky like a kite.

I didn't get any of the things I hoped to do during spring break done, but I did get rest, and I haven't had that in so long. It tears you up. It's like a car running on no oil. The engine just tears itself apart.
I didn't think it was so important... I guess I thought I just had to push through. But when you're spiritually tired, you just have to stop, stop trying, and just ....... rest. Stop trying to rest. Stop.

I feel so supercharged and rested.

You know, and even after putting my optimistic, naive inclinations to death, I still have this feeling that things are only going to get better and better from here on out. Like there are great things in store for me and all my friends.

Something wonderful might be about to happen! ~

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