Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stand firm

Day 9
Someone who has gotten you through the most.

Also, my parents really guided me through the angst maelstrom known as junior high.
I feel like nothing can top them.

But Jessica Martin deserves a shout-out. She really encouraged me and gave me some of the best advice that was so edifying to me in dark and troubling times. And she called me out on stuff.
I miss that lady.. :3

Today was a great one.

Do I say that every day? I should. But each day feels like it has its own exceptional greatness. These days are like Hollywood stars parading down the red carpet of my golden years.
Stupid metaphor. But is my excitement evident?!

Like a Beatles album. And each day is like a new song.

I woke up, ran around, drank tea, this morning, my legs started hurting really bad!
I felt like a cripple. I ate breakfast with Grace and we prayed over my legs. It was sad because for a few minutes, they were totally fine, and didn't hurt at all, and I jumped for joy, and it didn't hurt to, but after I stood for a while, pain crept back in.
I still have faith in healings! God is certainly doing them. I can't pretend to look at these moments, a mortal bound inside time, and imagine that I know God's reasoning. God is outside of time, and has already prepared great things for His children.
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." – 1 Corinthians 2:9

Also.. had a nice time at the BSM. I wonder though - I think I might be overexerting myself a wee bit. might drop from the crave team.
smallgroups = awe-shum. had a great prayer time with the girls. The Spirit of the Living God was certainly present.

And it's a cause for celebration and worship that He is indeed a LIVING God!
Oh, that reminds me.. this one evangelist came to campus and it sparked a huge ring of people arguing with him. I got the chance to talk to some angry people and share a bit of Gospel love. It's weird. I think, in the past, I've been frightened and easily *skooshed* by the presence of angry, Gospel-denying people, but I've been developing a strong Spirit (obviously not by my own effort.. just by prayer and listening to good doctrines, this strength is a gift and not a trophy)

It's funny because I'm seeing a lot of changes in my demeanor.

- less jealousy, bitterness. I used to struggle to fight those feelings, and the other day, someone said something and I expected to feel them, there was just a strange absence. The spirit is changing my heart....!!!
- more strength. I am bolder, and less fragile in some ways. And more durable... I can take emotional wear and tear and come out of it A-OK. At the end of the day, I don't feel drained. Still overflowing.
- fuel? I used to think that giving love, loving people, emptied my love tank, and that after so much, I would be exhausted. It's not true. The Spirit definitely has to have my back on this one. I feel so empowered and overflowing with exhortation and not just out of wanting to be nice.

well. I hoped that this would be short. dadgummit
I'll leave you with that silly, wonderful Veggietales parting quote:
"God made you special, and He loves you very much!"

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