Monday, March 28, 2011

Keep Praying

The past few days
... have been pushing the boundaries of believable greatness.

Even by UNT life standards.

In the morning - took an exam, danced on it and most likely aced it. I mean.... metaphorical dancing.... that was just what happened I think, to the dignity of the exam

That night our church had a prayer pyjama party, which was even more fun than you'd assume from the title of the event...
Stayed up pretty late, woke up late Saturday, and went to an evangelism seminar. I felt pretty convicted -
I tend to hoard Gospel truth up inside myself and I don't minister and feed others enough. I feel like I'm learning a lot, but there's so much, and I guess I'm never going to feel wise enough, there will always be more to learn

Anyway, after the evangy-seminar, we went to a restaurant, one of Denton's best, El Guapo's. That meant nothing to me because it was Mexican ---> spicy ---> inedible.

But we trotted over to the boys' house, Shawn and Ryan were having a potluck dinner.
Delicious, vegetables, potatoes, and they had tres leches cake! Which fell, and landed right side up, weird!

Then we worshipped our Lord.

Then we made plans to have egg babies, decorating eggs and raising them..... in a contest to see who raises the happiest eggs.

What I've been learning:
- Obedience? It's hard
- guitar. I can play "Every Move I make" on it now. Turns out G, C, D, C, G is a pretty easy chord progression, even for silly-fingers like me.
- advertising is a CHAMP major.
-Hebrew would be a cool language to take if I didn't NEED Japanese for life in Japan.

I know I haven't posted in .... "five YEARS" as Meghan likes to say whenever something takes a long time, but there's just no time anymore.
I'm a busy woman.

Yesterday, sunday, we had Loverly practice, and I will get to play accordion and Nord (keys)!!! (loving it)

A foot is more than a print
So a man is more than what people say about him.

Sometimes I obsess over what people think about me...... even though what people say tends to reflect your actions, it's not WHO you are, and the Bible tells us not to store up treasures on earth but in Heaven.
Reputation is one of those stinky earth-junk treasures. Not that you shouldn't reject people and live like a crazy fool. It's just something that can easily become an idol for people-pleasers. Which I very much used to be.
I'm also struggling with pride. Pray that the Lord would break me of it.

One last thing....... don't stop praying, chase after the Lord, press on after the prize.

Best regards.

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