Saturday, January 8, 2011

A New Year's Entry

"Is this the new year, or just another night?" - SF, The Blues

New year, new you. I'm sure UNT's Rec center will be full for the first two weeks coming back. On one hand, it makes me happy to know people have hope enough to make resolutions, and even carry them out for a short time.
It takes faith.

Every year I made a list of goals. Things I wanted to happen.

This year I feel like a rolling stone, hurtling toward all the challenges and joys that 2011 has to offer. Not that I don't need to change anything. I am constantly edified as I dig through the Word. My resolutions are tiny, daily things.

I'm not content. But in a good way. I want to see the world change. But not through big resolutions. Through tiny acts of grace. The Kingdom of Heaven growing like a mustard seed.

Eight days in. This is the new year.

I know that this semester is going to bring me a big challenge. I'm not sure what it is, but I also know that God will prove His faithfulness and bring me through it.

Whatever you foresee in this upcoming year.... I hope that it brings you closer to Our Father.

Tight hugs, warm wishes.

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