Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lolipops and Hymns

Hey friends! I hope you've been splendid. And even more so, I hope the Lord's been revealing Himself to you each day.

I don't know if you are aware, but... I'm very grateful for grace. The Lord is constantly demonstrating His love and mercy.

I know I may have mentioned my newfound podcast obsession before, but I really love listening to Mark Driscoll whenever I'm idling.

It really struck me when he said, "When you become a Christian, life isn't just lolipops and hymns."

Strangely enough, that's almost what it's been like. I've been blessed to the extent that I feel really silly. Every night before I go to sleep, (you know how you think about your day?) I am overwhelmed with gratitude. "I was given another wonderful day. It was just so good."

I don't live in guilt, but part of me wants to sell everything, because I know I have too much.

This is an invitation in the form of a truth: My friends that are actively seeking and living out the Gospel are the happiest people I've ever known. Laughter and just truly delighting in the Word.

We're told, "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly." And nothing, not even birthday surprises or chocolate or dancing compares to the joyfullness I've come to know.
And that's why I pray constantly that the Lord would draw you, my friends (that don't know Him) and you, my brothers and sisters (that know and love Him) closer to Himself, because true knowledge of the Gospel brings abounding joy.
It's the greatest happiness I could wish for you.

Well, I am playing drums for the BSM crave practice tonight! That will be fun.

Affectionately, your fellow servant

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