Sunday, January 23, 2011

Armpit Dresses

You probably don't need to read this blog to know that I've been having a fantabulous weekend. I am blessed beyond measure, and then some more.

But I had a tea party with some friends from Worldlife, we went shopping at Plato's closet before that.

I'm in love with this new dress.... it's so great. Feels so soft and comfortable, and it has sleeves, so I don't have to shave my armpits before I wear it!!
(He doesn't shave his armpits either)

My friend Abraham took me to church today. He's hilarious. Kind of looks like Jonathan Mansur, actually. I keep thinking that every time I see him. Abraham is also pretty goofy. Maybe that's it - they both have a goofy aura....

You know what I never realized was good but really is? Subway's meatball sub sandwich.

What I love about Jesus right now: His unfailing and unchanging good nature, just and loving. He is "worthy at all times to be praised by happy voices."

affectionately, your fellow servant

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