Saturday, January 15, 2011

First Day Back!

Denton is still fabulous. I don't know what I was expecting, but it is just as wondrous - and I'm certain that it's packed with adventure!

I went to a leadership retreat yesterday, and it was really encouraging. Everyone is so passionate. I am praying that their efforts would bear lots of fruit.
Actually, I'm still praying over my role in all of it, I'm not entirely sure where God wants me.
I've always been worried about whether I'm listening to the Holy Spirit or the own inclinings of my selfish nature.
We all went to Main Event afterwards! It was OODLES of fun!!!!

Bri, Carli, Megan, and Rachel R and I were all on a team. Those geniuses found a way to make bowling fun actually! We bowled in funky ways; every time you had to do something different, like do a dance or bowl backwards or use your foot to push it!

I'll say this: the only bowling I'm good for is Wii Bowling. It could be actual technical clumsiness, or I'm just too weak to bowl the ball properly. Jessie would say it's the latter.

Well, I've got to run, hugs and kisses.


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