Saturday, January 22, 2011

You have the floor, Moonwalker!

So yesterday, our professor showed us a Green Day music video in class. I guess he thought that the class would like it.. but when he asked, "Who likes Green Day?" Only a few hands were raised.

I used to really like that band. I guess taste in music changes like actual taste buds.

The BSM Worldlife party was tonight. Gosh I really love it. The international students are precious.

I keep looking online for mission trips to Japan. I know I'll get there someday....
(One "Learn to Speak Japanese" podcast at a time.)

What I love about Jesus right now: Grace and patience with stubborn, silly girls like me.
For some reason I've just been feeling... angered? Annoyed? Sometimes things don't go your way, and it's maddening when the only one to blame is yourself.
As a person that tends to be completely guided by emotion, sometimes I get discouraged when I'm not "feeling it." But the Lord's nature is unchanging.

On today's agenda: shopping at Plato's closet and then going to see a show!

Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly!
- your fellow servant

PS: Carli is teaching me to moonwalk!

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