Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The Camera Adds Ten Pounds
I find chewing through the lenses to be the toughest part.
-Ryan Manning

Z, the last letter in the alphabet, indicates sleep when there are many. Zzzzz. A, the first letter, indicates being very awake. Aaaaaaa!!!
-Shawn Pearlman

How To Lower Gas Prices
Cancel NASCAR.
-Zach Henderson

Something tells me that if you think it's a good idea to click on an online "IQ Test" banner, you're not going to be happy with your score.
-Conor McKeon

Never put an exclamation mark at the end of "iPhone." It just looks like you're yelling the word "Phone" in Spanish.
-Shawn Pearlman

If somebody offers you a lifetime supply of candy and there is just one piece, don't eat it: It's probably poison.
-Timmy Dale

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