Monday, August 23, 2010

End of Day 2

My sense of direction improves with every adventure. =)

I am also eating more applesauce than I expected. Normally... applesauce isn't so great, but I'm hungrier than ever now that I'm doing excercises AND the extreme walking!!! But poor Maple is charged with feeding me! I'll just have to eat more protein!

I keep meeting new people, but I realize that they'll be lost to me forever unless I add them on facebook. I'm bad with the names. Especially in masses.

Hunger is the main thing on my mind. I want a late night applesauce cup =P

I've started skimming through my drawing book. I wish I were good at drawing - I like it alright, but my sketches come out warped! I guess by the end of the semester I'll be a phenom! ;D ... fingers crossed
It did make me realize that I don't want to do the drawing part. I am mainly interested in the conceptual and designing aspects of Communication design.

Um - not that I don't want to draw!!! I just feel embarassed!!

I'm so worried about my major. I worked so hard for these classes to get into Comm Des, but what if it's not what I thought?? What if it's over my head??

... HOLD ON! God knows what He's doing. I'll work hard, and He'll work through me. And He'll show me what I need to do.

love love love


  1. Nobody draws well in the beginning (if some one is good its usually because they have been at it for a while), seeing well and practicing is where its at, let go of ego and feeling embarrassed, breath, see, and move your hands

  2. I've been taking your comment to heart and I feel more confident and the drawings look better!
    It's when I am fretting and trying too hard that they turn out ... warped and unrecognizable haha
