Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fun, fun , and also, more fun.

I can't say enough how nice the people of UNT are. I just love it here. And after the rain, when the sky was grey, it really helped me appreciate how beautiful it is. There is this one spot by the eagle statue that just took my breath away. It's gorgeous.

I can't wait to see the rest of Denton. I'm sure it's just magical! =)

Tonight I played dodgeball with the BSM. My drivers were really sweet and helpful.
There was one incident that wasn't as fun. I have never been hit in the face with a dodgeball before. Me and this other girl were joking about how bad we were and she was saying "I'm probably going to get hit in the face with a dodgeball"
I think it was less than a minute later when I got hit. Jinxed!

Of course even that wasn't so bad. I had a lot of fun =)

Can't wait for tomorrow. Hugs.

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