Friday, August 27, 2010


There are a talented few in this wide world who can actually dance well. I am among the few who not only can't dance well, but can't dance AT ALL.

Yes. show choir was a humbling experience. I struggled.

Tonight the BSM had a church dinner tour. I really enjoyed it. Especially the Kingdom of Dessert. very nice... homecooked brownies are a luxury now. Finally I appreciate them.

Squaredancing was FUNNNN


Oh, sorry about the lack of posts. I was quite busy today. I bought some paper for my printer, only to find that it was out of ink or something.
Unfortunately the computer lab doesn't have a printer. Hahaha! Oops.

And I also picked up some thumbtacks. I own green ones, but my art teacher made it VERY CLEAR that she would only accept posted work with VERY CLEAR thumbtacks. No colors. Oh no!

I meant to get some books for my required reading. But we won't be reading them for a while, and when I went to the cheap-bookstore, it was overcrowded.
Darn! That was actually the first thing I did today...

So, dismayed, I set off to go to the Union. Unfortunately mid-way I got lost and had to look at the map. A car pulled up to me. The driver yelled "Get in" and I was kidnapped! I didn't have a choice.

Haha, it was my friends Meagan and Brittany from the BSM! They took me to lunch at a mexican restaurant. (You know that I like you when I agree to eat at a mexican restaturant with you) =)
I didn't actually get any food. But we had a lovely chat.

Then they dropped me off at the union.

Then I read my design book.

THEN I WENT TO THE BSM OMW! =D And what do you know? My driver was a friend from my old church. So it was nice.

I had quite a fun day. I hope I get to see the famous "Square" tomorrow!

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