Monday, January 31, 2011

Carried to the Table

I'm especially happy today because a lot of good things happened.

First, obviously, woke up and saw that I was in Denton. And that's always a great way to start the day.
Secondly, my dear Mum came to visit me today, brought me a lovely tatami mat and a piece of chocolate cake (a more excellent and admirable woman you'll never find)
Thirdly, I worked out at the gym.
Fourthly, while working out at the gym, I was listening to a great podcast by Mark Driscoll about Revelation and how awesome it's going to be to worship Jesus forever.
Fifthly, obviously my screwups had their consequences, but I'm beginning to work through them and, more importantly, pray through them. My friend still condemns me, but all I can do is make it clear that I'm repentant.

What I love about Jesus today: His kingship and authority. He's just so majestic, and in control, and King of Kings... Supreme authority. And He invites us to come and dine at His table as His friends, as His children. I can't wait for that day.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My weakness

"We have had enough, once & for all, of Hedonism - the gloomy philosophy which says that Pleasure is the only good." - C.S. Lewis

The book of James in the Bible has a lot to say a lot about taking heart in troubles - it's hard to rejoice when trials come, or when times are hard, but still, we're being refined by fire, made in His image.

One of the really difficult trials though, is things that you'd think were good things.
When you finally get what you want, will you still hail Jesus Christ as Lord? When you have your heart's desires in front of you, do you remember the Giver?

It's a sneaky and deceptive test of faithfulness.

If you've wanted something for a long time, and you finally get it, it's a fight to keep in mind the Truth.

Another C.S. Lewis quote, I feel it's relevant:
"We must get over wanting to be needed - this is the hardest of all temptations to resist" - C.S. LewisI've written about hopeless romanticism before - and this weekend that was really my Achilles heel, and I just didn't have a really good heart about my engagements.
I guess these things wouldn't have happened if I were just more godly in my day-to-day life. If I didn't give the impression that I were looking for romance, temptation wouldn't present itself.

I'm disappointed in myself. I like to think that there's been a change in me since I started actively pursuing God, but sometimes I'm surprised by how sinful I really am, and all the evil there is still left.
I'm probably not even surprised enough. As I grow in understanding, the warped nature of my heart becomes more and more evident.

So even though I'm hoping no one I love is affected... I'm praying for God to do whatever is necessary to draw me back to Him, even if that means to remove things that would try to lure me away, even to break my heart so I am moved to depend on Him alone for strength.

Today in church, Ross's pastor friend Dennis from Kenya was preaching, and he mentioned this phrase that really struck me: "God will take away our idols until we find none to praise but Himself."

It hasn't come yet, but I know there's going to be a big trial coming up, maybe I've mentioned it before, but if you could be praying that I would be protected by the full armor of God, I'd appreciate it.

When I think about my own iniquity - sheesh, I AM iniquity - I'm a little overwhelmed and I think, how can I even begin to go about fixing all of this? I've got so many pride issues, idolatry issues, laziness issues, I'm so far from the godly woman...

This comforts me, and I know it will comfort you - whenever you're feeling like you really have to do something, or fix some aspect of your nature, just remember, it is God that is doing work in us. We are called first to the celebration, to simply LOVE GOD. The first and greatest commandment is to LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART.
From this comes the second, to love your neighbor.

Isn't that where every other command comes from? If we can just love God, and love our neighbors, all the rest just follows naturally...

It's like that truth God keeps reteaching to me.. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."

What a wonderful God

- In Christ,

Friday, January 28, 2011


Yes, I know it's Friday, and I know my last post was Tuesday. What can I say? I've been keeping busy.

But out of all that business, there's not much worth telling. Just chillin and having fun and, of course, studying. The hours I used to spend on studio art projects are now being spent reading.

I realized something... I can listen to podcast sermons all I want, but I'm always just thirsting for the Gospel. The pure, undiluted truth of the Bible.
Like in the beverage world, obviously some drinks are better than others. I guess sermons and devotionals are like health drinks and Mineral waters.
I love those mineral water things, and juice, but when I'm thirsty, there is NOTHING that beats a cold cup of pure water.

We're designed for it. We are MADE to drink it. We NEED water to live.
And of course, that's how it is with our spirits and the Gospel.

Not bashing good teaching. I love it. I'm so glad to have access to all this wise counsel. But I just wanted to emphasize how crucial the Gospel is in all of that.

What I love about Jesus today: His ability to meet all of our needs, and the greatest of all, the deepest and most desperate desire of our hearts for eternity.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lolipops and Hymns

Hey friends! I hope you've been splendid. And even more so, I hope the Lord's been revealing Himself to you each day.

I don't know if you are aware, but... I'm very grateful for grace. The Lord is constantly demonstrating His love and mercy.

I know I may have mentioned my newfound podcast obsession before, but I really love listening to Mark Driscoll whenever I'm idling.

It really struck me when he said, "When you become a Christian, life isn't just lolipops and hymns."

Strangely enough, that's almost what it's been like. I've been blessed to the extent that I feel really silly. Every night before I go to sleep, (you know how you think about your day?) I am overwhelmed with gratitude. "I was given another wonderful day. It was just so good."

I don't live in guilt, but part of me wants to sell everything, because I know I have too much.

This is an invitation in the form of a truth: My friends that are actively seeking and living out the Gospel are the happiest people I've ever known. Laughter and just truly delighting in the Word.

We're told, "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly." And nothing, not even birthday surprises or chocolate or dancing compares to the joyfullness I've come to know.
And that's why I pray constantly that the Lord would draw you, my friends (that don't know Him) and you, my brothers and sisters (that know and love Him) closer to Himself, because true knowledge of the Gospel brings abounding joy.
It's the greatest happiness I could wish for you.

Well, I am playing drums for the BSM crave practice tonight! That will be fun.

Affectionately, your fellow servant

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Armpit Dresses

You probably don't need to read this blog to know that I've been having a fantabulous weekend. I am blessed beyond measure, and then some more.

But I had a tea party with some friends from Worldlife, we went shopping at Plato's closet before that.

I'm in love with this new dress.... it's so great. Feels so soft and comfortable, and it has sleeves, so I don't have to shave my armpits before I wear it!!
(He doesn't shave his armpits either)

My friend Abraham took me to church today. He's hilarious. Kind of looks like Jonathan Mansur, actually. I keep thinking that every time I see him. Abraham is also pretty goofy. Maybe that's it - they both have a goofy aura....

You know what I never realized was good but really is? Subway's meatball sub sandwich.

What I love about Jesus right now: His unfailing and unchanging good nature, just and loving. He is "worthy at all times to be praised by happy voices."

affectionately, your fellow servant

Saturday, January 22, 2011

You have the floor, Moonwalker!

So yesterday, our professor showed us a Green Day music video in class. I guess he thought that the class would like it.. but when he asked, "Who likes Green Day?" Only a few hands were raised.

I used to really like that band. I guess taste in music changes like actual taste buds.

The BSM Worldlife party was tonight. Gosh I really love it. The international students are precious.

I keep looking online for mission trips to Japan. I know I'll get there someday....
(One "Learn to Speak Japanese" podcast at a time.)

What I love about Jesus right now: Grace and patience with stubborn, silly girls like me.
For some reason I've just been feeling... angered? Annoyed? Sometimes things don't go your way, and it's maddening when the only one to blame is yourself.
As a person that tends to be completely guided by emotion, sometimes I get discouraged when I'm not "feeling it." But the Lord's nature is unchanging.

On today's agenda: shopping at Plato's closet and then going to see a show!

Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly!
- your fellow servant

PS: Carli is teaching me to moonwalk!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Can't buy me love

It was a cold one today. Frosty, even. No snow, but at night, everything was frozen up!

The morning would have been a lot nicer had I been smart enough to wear my big jacket. But... I'm a fool. =)
But, you know, it was a nice one anyhow.

I got to catch up with a guy from my Weatherford college geology class. He is a veteran and had a lot of stories to tell!

Advertising is probably my favorite class so far. I guess I have to pick a favorite.

Even though I'm almost dreading English Comp because it's so intense, it's been going really well. Very enjoyable class time. Lots of discussion. I love it. The teacher likes what I have to say... I think.

Then me and Maggie (<-- hung out at Big Mike's Coffee. I was so ravenous that I ate two bananas.

Then Megan, Maggie and I went to Crow and played a bunch of Beatles covers on my new cajon! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Did I mention I love playing music? And the Beatles? And the Crow girls?
good times.

Don't be mistaken though. I've been laboriously reading these textbooks... like a fiend
No matter what grade I get (they better be swell because I've been rereading and taking notes as I read) you should be proud of me, simply because of all the effort I'm putting into it.

Also be proud, that guy that is very attractive, that made me talk gibberish? I managed to say something witty and cool in front of him and he laughed at my joke.
(I mean, people laughing at my jokes is pretty rare by itself, but add in the attractive guy factor and there's no chances)

I feel kinda fearless these days

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I only had one class today.
Last new class.

Mass Communication. The first thing our professor did was show us a Lady Gaga "Poker Face" music video. So, it will probably be an engaging class.

Then the BSM had free lunch, and being on the leadership team, I got to sit and talk with people, which was pretty swell, you know, I sure do like people! Haha.

I realized today that one of the perks of having unlimited internet access is FREE PODCASTS!

1 Corinthians 14:20 "Brothers, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults."
Jesus said in Matthew 10:16, "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

One of my big things this year is growing in wisdom. So I listen to sermons or, I found these cool free Japanese lessons. You can download all of these instructional things on iTunes for free. I didn't know this - I was just using YouTube.

I know people say that time flies when you're having fun, but sometimes... sometimes, man, the sweet moments just drip like thick honey...

What I love about Jesus today: His self-control and love for all, even the rude. I never thought about this before, but when you think about what sovereign power He has and how He could have just eliminated the Pharisees, or taken away their power, it's kind of crazy. He wasn't happy with them, I mean, He repeatedly admonished them and called them a "brood of vipers!"
But He still loved them.

There are always THOSE people, who are prideful and arrogant and rude, and it's easy to make fun of them and treat them unkindly, maybe they've earned it. And you don't feel guilty, because they're such unlovely, mean people.

Those people that just rub you the wrong way?

I hope to show love to someone I NEVER could without the Spirit's help. I hope to ACTUALLY love through the Spirit someone I couldn't on my own.

First Day of Class, Round 1 (Human kindness)

Today... was a challenge

Oh, don't be silly and jump to the conclusion that it wasn't a good day!

All I can say is that we live in a fallen world, and yes, Denton is included. But for a fallen world, there sure is evidence of the coming kingdom, in the form of human kindness.

I'm especially amazed by it right now.
In fact, it was human kindness that made today such a great one despite every challenge that came my way.

So the first class of the day was Psychology. It's a fairly big class, about 50 people, and the teacher seems nice. The course material will be interesting! I get the feeling it will be presented well, too.
I'll enjoy this one!

On my way to my second class I got in a bit of a bike accident. I braked too hard and thanks to inertia, my body kept moving while my bike stopped. This was a less than desirable situation. Thankfully I landed on my palms and sideish, perfectly alright, (bike is fine too) but I was in a bit of a shock.

Strangers ran over to help me. They helped gather my things and one girl offered to walk me to class. It was very sweet. I was overwhelmed.

People were also especially kind, strangers responded well when I greeted them and, while I'm talking about kindness, I was emboldened by the Spirit to exhort a brother I didn't know this morning at breakfast, and he recieved it kindly.

The second class of the day was Principles of Advertising. The professor's name is Dr. Noble, and he certainly fits that title. He dresses very well, speaks well, and seems very knowledgeable. Previously taught at SMU and TCU (so you know he's a good professor, haha!) He said that this would probably be our favorite class - and he's very funny!
I'll most definitely enjoy this one!

The third class of the day was English Comp II. I was a little intimidated but, even though I think it will be a difficult class, it will be an enjoyable and interesting one. The book we're reading, The Omnivore's Dilemma, is going to be the main focus of the course. It's actually more interesting than I expected. Engaging language and shocking statistics can make nutrition ... frankly, kind of fascinating.

Had a lovely evening with awesome people, did some studying, relatively productive day...

What I love about Jesus right now: His concern for us, His love for the sick and poor and hopeless.
I pray that I might also be moved to have a godly concern for the least of these as well!

-Your fellow servant

PS: Check out Misty Edwards "Let Me Love You More" and "Lovesick" on youtube

Monday, January 17, 2011

God gives good things


I could write a post about what God's done

But I'd rather sing about it in the streets

Face to face
I hope I get the chance to tell you

Just ask about it

Well, yesterday was pretty fun, another lovely one in Den-ton!
C3 had its first baby dedication service, it was very sweet. I am praying for a heart that loves children more.

Dustin had a sleepover party! We all went to his house and took communion and worshipped our Lord.

I actually slept over at the Crow house on Saturday, and we went back there to sleep on Sunday night, so tonight will be the second night I spend in my dorm room... haha

God gives good things to those who ask...

Today I had breakfast at IHOP and got to talk to some people who had spent time in Japan and were planning on returning to plant seeds of change.
Recurring thought: I've got to get there somehow

You know....... after spending time in my home town.... I think a lot of Aledonians would not believe the miracles and healings and prophesying that is going on ... and that breaks my heart for them, that they are following something other than The Truth

Dead faith?
I don't believe it

I was compelled not to write about the good gift I was given, that I might proclaim it face to face to people, but I have what I hope might be an edifying truth.

It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for ...
-a rich man to forsake his wealth
-a people-pleaser to forsake popularity
-a braggart to forsake pride
-an alcoholic to forsake beer
-a romantic to forsake their love

What I mean to say is this:
It might be hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven, but if it isn't riches (if you live in America you have them) then it's some other worldly treasure.

Idolatry, idolatry, idolatry.

I am overwhelmed with song.

Grace has come to us. Undeserving. God has extended mercy and reconciliation to man.

Why not sing and dance about it????

Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's marvelous

It's been eventful!

Saturday was quite marvelous really. My dad and grandmother came up to Denton and I took them to the lovelywonderous Sukho Thai!
(The face of someone who gets to eat delicious sukho thai food!)

Saturday night I got to see people dear and precious to me! The party was so much fun, lots of good baked treats (thanks Ashli!)

Then I went to Jon Ladner and the Cumulonimbus band's show. Gosh. Their music is fabulo-tastic. That Jon Ladner is filled with wisdom and thought-provoking lyrics.

There was another guy there that was playing, right before C-band, and he was just especially passionate. He had this one song that was only two lines, and he taught it to us, "I will remember, what you forgot..."....shoot! I forgot the second line!! That's not an attempt at a lame joke even, for once! I really did forget it! And it was so good!

But Cumulonimbus band, maybe it's because I know and admire J-Ladner, they were especially delightful. They had this one song, and I can't tell you much of the words, but I remember it was exceptionally strong and hopeful.

Jon Foreman (Jons tend to be cool songwriters huh?) once said that he didn't write songs when he was happy, only when he was sad. He said that his songs were like a defiant anthem against the sadness, a call to hope.

I get the feeling.... man... no matter what surrounds me, whether it's physical chill or emotional distress, that it has no power - The One who is in me is greater than all the world. Even if that includes what's afflicting my own heart. The chill and the cold of this world might SURROUND you but Christ is WITHIN you. And He is already Victor; His ressurection was the victory over sin and death.
(....maybe this is one of those things that you find cliche when you hear it, but when your heart learns it, it's what you want to share.)

Since you already think I'm cliche, I could toss in an Owl City quote. "Though this winter does nothing but storm, the joy in my heart is a blaze, and it's keeping me warm."

Open up the doors and let the music play
Let the streets resound with singing
Songs that bring your hope
Songs that bring your joy
Dancers who dance upon injustice

Let's not be afraid. even of fear itself, all things are under authority.
and fear the Lord of Justice, loving the Lord of goodness

Affectionately, your fellow servant

Saturday, January 15, 2011

First Day Back!

Denton is still fabulous. I don't know what I was expecting, but it is just as wondrous - and I'm certain that it's packed with adventure!

I went to a leadership retreat yesterday, and it was really encouraging. Everyone is so passionate. I am praying that their efforts would bear lots of fruit.
Actually, I'm still praying over my role in all of it, I'm not entirely sure where God wants me.
I've always been worried about whether I'm listening to the Holy Spirit or the own inclinings of my selfish nature.
We all went to Main Event afterwards! It was OODLES of fun!!!!

Bri, Carli, Megan, and Rachel R and I were all on a team. Those geniuses found a way to make bowling fun actually! We bowled in funky ways; every time you had to do something different, like do a dance or bowl backwards or use your foot to push it!

I'll say this: the only bowling I'm good for is Wii Bowling. It could be actual technical clumsiness, or I'm just too weak to bowl the ball properly. Jessie would say it's the latter.

Well, I've got to run, hugs and kisses.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

A New Year's Entry

"Is this the new year, or just another night?" - SF, The Blues

New year, new you. I'm sure UNT's Rec center will be full for the first two weeks coming back. On one hand, it makes me happy to know people have hope enough to make resolutions, and even carry them out for a short time.
It takes faith.

Every year I made a list of goals. Things I wanted to happen.

This year I feel like a rolling stone, hurtling toward all the challenges and joys that 2011 has to offer. Not that I don't need to change anything. I am constantly edified as I dig through the Word. My resolutions are tiny, daily things.

I'm not content. But in a good way. I want to see the world change. But not through big resolutions. Through tiny acts of grace. The Kingdom of Heaven growing like a mustard seed.

Eight days in. This is the new year.

I know that this semester is going to bring me a big challenge. I'm not sure what it is, but I also know that God will prove His faithfulness and bring me through it.

Whatever you foresee in this upcoming year.... I hope that it brings you closer to Our Father.

Tight hugs, warm wishes.