Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Twirly Thoughts

Let me just forewarn you that my posts aren't going to make a lot of sense. I've been having a great time.

I've actually been having a really, really great time...

So great, in fact, that I might not be in a right state to be posting? My head is so full of poetry and cotton candy clouds I might just burst into flowers.

The level of sheer romanticism (not like, love, but in the old sense, like idealism and nature and life) has gotten so bad that I am THINKING in prose.

I'm trying to adjust and not necessarily switch gears - still trying to take my thoughts captive, but they're not the same kind of thoughts. My heart is decieving above all things.

But I've been writing poetry again. Which means I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve again --> I'm not afraid of people.

Anyway: the url is

I call it my secret poetry collection, but I'm not concerned with people READING it or NOT reading it, I just want to spill out these dumb, silly words somewhere so I don't have them spinning around in my head, so I can get to sleep.

I gotta study... gotta do work.... can't fall behind!

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