Friday, May 20, 2011

hand in hand..

I took my first math exam today!

It was so great because as I was taking it, I kept knowing the answers! it was easy for me, there were a couple I didn't know, but for the most part, it was awesome!!! I think I did well! :-)

Me and Jon and Nathan all watched Mulan after parish wednesday night. Nathan had never seen it before (crazy!!)

I realized something... I may not dig Mexican food, but i'm finding more and more things I'm willing to eat at Mexican food places. like burritos. especially breakfast burritos. those things are marvelous.

I'm trying to adjust - obviously I am thinking about my walk with the Lord, and I want to continue to walk in purity, truth, and holiness.

That's all I've got to say about that ~
going to Nacodoches for Emily's party this weekend, fun fun fun!!!!!

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