Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Day I just kept sleepin' and sleepin'

I got sick again. But it's only a cold this time.
Still, I feel tired and for most of today, I didn't leave my bed. No way. I just slept and slept and slept.

I did go to class. Even on the day that I was sick AND it was raining AND I couldn't find my umbrella, I still went.
Why? I care about my education, dad-gummit

After I had lots of sleep I felt a lot better. I'm feeling much better - I guess I just needed those billion extra hours of sleep.

So I woke up feeling great. And I had lunch with some friends.

Then I went to parish and we had spaghetti and the garlic bread was SOOO GOOD! It's our last formal meeting until June. I hope I get a job and can stay during the summer.

I guess I'm just excited about the future. I think a lot of seeds are in the ground right now. And I know how faithful the Lord is - so just think! What a lovely harvest is on its way! :-)

that's all for now ~

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