Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The days are just packed

Well, Friday, me and Haley and Ashli all left for Nacodoches for Emily's graduation party!
when we got there we had burgers and went swimming and then Emily's dad pulled out the guitar and we all sang together, oldie-campfire-style. He's a huge Beatles fan - no wonder Emily's so awesome!!

then we had a huge dance party!

When we got back Saturday i went swimming with Elise, Emily, and Ryan. we played "monster" and some other made-up games :-)

then we went to Fuzzy's for some really great tacos! i learned that not all tacos are bad! some have nice soft tortilla shells, and are pretty much just baby burritos! :-)

Monday started again and it was back to the grind. statistics! at least I'm understanding most of it. I got help from my teacher after class on the things that confused me. I feel good about it now.

I love only having one class to worry about. Even if it is a crazy, hectic Maymester, i only have one class to go to, and the rest of the time I can spend time doing things I like with people I like. :-)

But it's very chill ... still having a blissful summer.

i don't think i could find a reason to be unhappy even if i tried.

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