Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Favorable Times

It's been a while since I've written. Once you stop doing something, it's hard to start it up again.

Of course, there's too much to tell now-a-days.

It's like trying to suck a thick milkshake with a little coffee straw. Good grief - I can barely take it in myself. Am I really here? Living the dream?
I guess!

Valentine's day is coming up. I'm being showered with all kinds of romantic culture - and you know, it's always been my weakness. I've even been under a lot of romantic pressure.

But the great thing is, for once, I'm not on either extreme this year - I'm not hopelessly in love with anyone, and I'm not bitter and lonely.
I'm just really happy. But I'm a teenage girl. Of COURSE I like somebody. No matter how much I'll tell you in person otherwise....

Parish tonight was pretty super-great. My fellow parishoners are are really swell folks. (<--really outdated predicate adjective and predicate nominative there...)

Rachel's Favorable Adjective use progression:

Maybe one day I'll actually use the word favorable when describing something cool.
"Check out my new car!"
"How favorable!"
.... no, no. Never.

Now check out this favorable video.

This is for you, Dan-Dan

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