Saturday, February 26, 2011

Across the Universe

So I've been doing this whole Thirty-day challenge thing wrong.
Not only am I not doing it with a facebook photo album, but I've been doing it with the wrong stuff!

Day one was supposed to be a photo of me with ten facts. So, here's that.

1. The grace of God has covered me abundantly and has redeemed me from a life of despair and sin. That's the most important thing about me.

2. I like playing, writing, and dancing to music. Also, I am a terrible, but terribly enthusiastic, dancer.

3. I like argyle knit sweaters, vests, cats, snapdragons, boba tea, and napkins.

4. Dawn is my favorite time of day. Walking around barefoot in the dewdrops is a magical experience I regret sleeping through. I'm a morning person, because I feel my best in the morning, but I tend to stay up late, and I hate nighttime....

5. Someday I'll visit/live in Japan.

6. Honesty/good communication is a huge thing to me when it comes to relationships.. I think people can get along if they just understand each other. I try to be very open and transparent. I WANT people to pull me aside and tell me what I'm doing is silly, so I can fix it, but brave people are rare now-a-days
And when I say 'brave' I don't mean sassy or sarcastic or even have obnoxious opinions... being rude, or making a fool of themselves. It takes guts to be vulnerable, or to call someone out. Yelling about your minority opinion for minority's sake is not bravery.

7. I secretly want to be a poet that lives in a small forest near a babbling brook, feeding deer out of the palm of my hand. But unfortunately we live in a capitalist world and I need kachingkaching to survive....... so I'm going to work for an advertising agency, sip coffee, file my taxes, and pretend to be a grownup.

8. If you haven't figured it out by now, I am an Idealist. It was also my result on one of those Myers-briggs things. Idealist/healer/journalist, that kind of thing. I like to romanticize everything I can.

9. I like swimming, biking, tennis, stair-climbing, jumprope, and kissing.

10. Black cherry Jell-O is the best kind.

Part two, days four and five.
A picture of your favorite night/a picture of your favorite memory.

I'm kind of glad that night wasn't photographed - photographs kind of limit your imagination.
I don't even know that I had one particular night. How do you pick the best night of your life? I don't think I can choose a favorite night/memory. But there were two nights I can remember being just... blissful.
Both nights I was drifting off to sleep, and I was completely and totally infatuated. One was my first crush. The other was my last. And all I could think about was (*ppff* silly :3) how in love I was. I was just feverish with adoration.

Some nights after that I used to lie awake, my heart shooting a ray of love across the universe, needing to be loved back, this empty void that nothing would fill. I was lovesick. I would just lie in my bed, silently begging for my True Love. Now that void has been more than filled - overflowing, in fact.... because of course, I was seeking Christ and I didn't know it

Well, I think back to those two nights I spent in bliss. Sometimes I miss that, that feeling of unquestioned love. Young, blind adoration. I wish that I could worship the Lord like that. I pray that I would love Him even more than that.

that's why Across the Universe is my favorite Beatles song - it's my anthem of searching across the universe to find my True Love

Sending you my affections

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