Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My crush/Shower of blessings

Day 2 - "your crush"

When people do these.... do they actually put a picture of the guy they like on here?

Isn't that silly?

Well, I guess I have nothing to hide, nothing to fear. I've liked this boy for a long time.Elijah Wood, you loveable little Frodo, you...

now for things less silly
~~~~~~~ the shower of blessings



Today on my way to class I prayed that the Lord would rain down blessing. I prayed yesterday that the Lord would equip me and my friends to do good work.

And He did, He did!

We were praying in Bruce, and these guys just came up to us and joined our number! And we sang songs of worship and met new brothers and sisters! And a relationship that I had been praying for was blessed!

Sooooo good, so good. Joy abounds even in times of trial.

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