Monday, August 22, 2011


The freshmen have started moving in. Excitement is in the air! Also, severe heat. And the new vegan cafeteria. Dormies aren't pleased. Good thing I ditched that meal plan.

I am pleased to report the creation of "Sci-Fi Sundays." Jon, Parker, Matt, and I have been watching the original Star Wars every Sunday after church. After we finish them? I'm secretly hoping for the X-files.

Tonight is first flight week. Tacos and game night is tonight. I think I'll go =-)

In other news, I need to change my residence address to the REC center. (Get it? Because that's where I'll be all the time...haha..ha)

I've been amusing myself lately by telling jokes that fall pathetically flat, and I forgot how to make real jokes.
Scary thought: the real difference in my jokes is that they're deliberately bad.

Oh, I wrote a new doodle called "redemption"

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