Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pancake brunch

Today the church had a pancake brunch! Kody made these super great pancakes and gave us yummy fruit salad to put on it! So good!!!Everyone came to help fix the cds that we recorded! Everyone is excited about passing them out!
Me and Jon got a lot of cds done, just by ourselves.

Then we went to Jupiter House. Jon's friends were there. They're so cool and friendly. Judson, the guy who started Baruch the Scribe (I'm so glad I finally got to meet him!!! ahh!! do you even KNOW how long I've been listening to them? I think junior year of high school.)

Better than that, I got to play WII with JUDSON! I can't believe I HUNG OUT with him!Mario Party was so much fun.

Have a good day! =-)

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