Thursday, December 9, 2010

God is Awesome

God is good, all the time.
All the time, God is good.

Simple faith.

It's so hard to just remember, amidst all the noise of life, that God is good.


I was exhorted the other day, and the encourager meant well, but it reminded me, the goal of my attempts at good works is not so that my brothers and sisters can pat me on the back and say, "Good job, Rachel."
By nature, I really am a selfish and unkind person. By the Spirit, I am trying to follow in my Savior's footsteps.

This is my confession. The sin of pride creeps in to try to warp the desire to glorify God into glorifying myself.

In the past, it was always about that pat on the back. Words of affirmation. They were like a drug to me. I had to keep getting that fix.

Exhortation and encouragement are two wonderful things, created for our blessing, and growth in Spirit.
But when you are encouraged, it's easy to slip into the mindset of, "Yeah, they're right. I'm awesome!" Instead of, "This is fruit of the Spirit, God is awesome."

Every good thing comes from the Father.

In the Father's eyes, the sackcloth of humility is like kingly robes.

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