Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The End (If You Want It)

I feel like the school year has already ended...
All I have to do is take two finals, one on thursday and one on friday, and then I go home.

Thus ends the wonderfulness known as semester one of college.

I guess I shouldn't be so suprised that it was so much fun - UNT was my dream college after all! I feel like I really have been living one big dream since I came...

But! I'll spare you a silly reminiscing post and get right to the junk I'm doing right now! >:D

Getting loads of sleep, I love not having to wake up for 8ams every morning! Ahh! I can't tell you what else I'm doing because a lot of it is involved with Christmas suprises!

I did have a really swell afternoon with the guys playing pranks and watching Pokemon episodes! Haha! And I saw my first episode of Digimon. Too bad I had been watching Pokemon before - it just wasn't as awesome in comparison.

I didn't know this, but Pokemon has a Christmas episode! I watched it! It was kind of precious!!
I hope that all of you are having a wonderful Advent season... as we prepare for the celebration of the birth of the Christ child!
God is leading me into boldness. Of course I'm not naturally terribly bold, but by the Spirit I am empowered to do all things.

Joy to the world... let earth recieve her King. =)

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