Sunday, December 5, 2010


I may have mentioned this earlier but....
I just love "bad" music. Well, what makes most people gag. I got sucked into it.. it's like a black hole.

You know what I'm talking about, right?
.... cheesy 90's music. Yes. Also, Justin Bieber.
Don't judge. I think it's cute..

But after listening to *NSYNC sing about "dirty pop".... I had the clever idea of googling 90's Christian Music.

That's how I came across this band called Plus One. ..Okay, technically, they were big in the 2000s, but still.

Even if you think it sounds dumb, and some of it I concede is so NSYNC-y that you might not like it, you should still check out their song "Be Love." It's just so good.

I still consider myself a trustworthy source of decent music! I listen to good music also! Jon Foreman is always there to remind me of what real music sounds like...

Well, you might not care so much about that, but I got a pretty swell grade on my issue development portfolio, along with a comment from my teacher that I was a "strong writer."

Darn! Dumb old design project's due tomorrow. I have it 98% done. all I have to do is mount it on some bristol board.

I only say "dumb old" because the project is "tarot cards" and we have to make them and then analyze what they mean. I'm not going to be obnoxious about how I think it's bologna, but I mean.... there will be commentary in my analysis that definitely suggests the bologna-eque nature of this assignment.

On a brighter note, the C3 clothing drive is today. So I can finish these tarot cards and skip on down to church again....

You know, the art department could really use more Jesus.
It's almost a shame that I'm leaving it.

God is faithful!

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