I'm nineteen. My birthday was last Friday. My party was the next day.
I gave myself a haircut and dyed my hair auburn. Overall, it feels like a big change. Turning 19 feels like a legitimate renewal for me.
I've been spending less time pondering and thinking and more time applying what I think about. I haven't really spent a lot of time goofing off, either. Just trying to be excellent.
Today my hands just started cleaning and organizing on their own. I folded my clothes and couldn't stop once I'd started. It was kind of strange. I did dishes, too.
I guess it's because I know some incredibly responsible people that are 19. Or maybe I'm just growing up on my own. I actually considered starting to drink coffee... but I don't think I'm ready for that one yet.
Last year I was so stoked about the party that the BSM threw for me. It was so great. That was a good day. But man, last Saturday, that was absolutely magical. People were so kind to me. I really love my household, my friends, and my family...
Life just gets better and better.
One more thing.
People are hard to deal with. Even wonderful, talented, loving people. When the rubber meets the road, you have to work hard to be 'sane' about things. "If you think that you're right all of the time, that's a common misconception." - Antarctica
Love is about meeting each other halfway. It's not waiting for the other person (if they messed up) to come crawling back to you, or "winning" the fight, or proving a point.
I've experienced with everyone I've ever loved dearly the fleeting moments of annoyance, and I'm amazed when it happens because I thought so highly of them, I didn't think I'd ever be annoyed or think badly of them. Then one day I can't stand them!!! ARGGHHH!
Then later, I realize, they really are just humans. Humans that I adore and will always cherish, no matter how my surface emotions rage, there is always that undercurrent of sincere love. (This is the key to living with roommates.)
So maybe this is elementary. Yeah, but it needs to be said and lived. A lot of people live like they don't know this.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart. Love your neighbor as yourself. These are the two greatest commandments.