Sunday, September 18, 2011

Me in 2007

I looked up my old myspace. I was trying to find a picture I posted but ended up stumbling over my old blog. Goll-ey.

- "I'm the drummer for Rayconsense - which I will firmly argue for my band-mates is the best band ever. I'm usually a nice person - or I like to think so anyway."
- "I have never, never understood blogs. I write them anyway."
"He's inspired me to work harder at everything. I'd never ask for his admiration haha - just his respect - I know, it'll never happen, right? But I can't stop thinking, "if i just get a little better, if I just work a little harder..." -2008

"Can't stop smiling. Can't stop love. Can't stop believing, even if I wanted to, because after getting through all the crap and learning to stand on my own two feet, I've proved to myself that anyone can really get better." -2009

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