Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So it’s all over. I’m a high school graduate now. It doesn’t feel real. I don’t even feel sad. I keep thinking that I’ll come back. I kept telling myself, “I’m never going to see these kids again!” (Except for my besties.) Like the funny guy in the back of the class, or the nice aquaintance sitting next to you. The people you wish you’d gotten to know, but never did.

And then there’s the old friends that you lost touch with. It’s sad to think about how a lot of people I once used to be really tight with are going out-of-state for college, so there’s not even a chance of reconnecting. But Facebook takes away a lot of the regrets. That’s one thing I keep in mind.

Well… I’m probably going to miss being a bearcat eventually, but right now, I’m too busy collecting UNT merchandise (I’m rocking the green socks).

But guess where I’m at right now? Yeah – weatherford college. So this is summer…. I have a test tomorrow. Ugh, not what you imagine. I can’t complain.
Hugs and kisses. <3 Rachel

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